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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
So many times parents tell their children of the memories made in their childhood home, and the same goes for my family with one small exception. My parents and I live in _________, an antebellum house that was built in 1808 and renovated by my grandmother's family in 1898. ________, is not only the childhood home of my mother, but of my grandmother, my grandmother's mother, and so on. My grand mother and her family, the ________, moved into the ________ …

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…it might be appraised for, it's the memories that count. Memories are something that are handed down from generation to generation, they are tradition, and they are culture. In the south today, tradition and culture are something we need to cling to, and value. Family memories, and the morals that we live by, need to remain a strong part of that tradition and culture, instead of slowly slipping away, such as many tend to do.