Holy War vs. Capitalist Materialism

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
In modern society, there are two distinct scenarios for the near future of how the world will act, think, speak, and do. The conflict of religious and ethnic isolation has always fought against the completely commercialistic world. As the advertising of the mercantilism increases, the chances for ethnic tradition to stand strong, fade back. While ideally these two sketches are at war, they are also in fact turning the democratic world into a dark and …

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…violence is not. A solution to the search for a global democracy is ambitious, as trying to bring together all of these people in peaceful coexistence has been a goal of almost all societies. The world was a point where a confederate democracy existed, and from there we progressed to where we are now. Development can not be stopped in a democracy, and is perpetuated by capitalism with a force that is difficult to match.