Hollywood's Effect on America

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hollywood has long been the symbolic center of the U.S. motion-picture industry. It dominates the world's motion-picture industry as well, with the top ten highest grossing movies of all time being American made. Hollywood, with it's stronghold on the movie industry, exerts powerful moral, cultural, and political influences on our society as well. These influences can often perpetuate a narrow-minded way of thinking. The moral influence exerted by Hollywood tends to be negative, for …

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…It is obvious that Hollywood has, and will continue to have, a tremendous influence on society. Hollywood regularly presents us a world which is nothing like the world we live in. With our growing acceptance of this world as reality, society will have greater difficulty relating to the real world. Inevitably, we will be driven not only by our ignorance, but by our desire to live in a perfect world, as is portrayed in film.