Hollywood Turns Transcendental .
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Hollywood Turns Transcendental
Transcendentalism is a way of life. It is defined as "the transcending, or going beyond, empiricism, and ascertaining the fundamentals and principles of human knowledge." Discovering these principles and fundamentals is the goal of American Romantics Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, and also includes other historical icons like Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mohandas K. Gandhi. Transcendentalist values hold firm in their writings and influence mainstream media, which uses these
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passive resistance. Hundreds of years have passed since these convictions have been set upon the great minds of the globe, and still in the most recent century the ideas glow. It is proven through blockbuster films such as The Dead Poets Society and Gandhi that transcendentalism has not died simply because its communicators have. Transcendentalism and all its credence's live on through today's media frenzy and the great young minds that fuel its very fire.
passive resistance. Hundreds of years have passed since these convictions have been set upon the great minds of the globe, and still in the most recent century the ideas glow. It is proven through blockbuster films such as The Dead Poets Society and Gandhi that transcendentalism has not died simply because its communicators have. Transcendentalism and all its credence's live on through today's media frenzy and the great young minds that fuel its very fire.