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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
While film narrative can be viewed as a number of cause-and-effect links, it may also be perceived in terms of larger structures incorporating the entire film. Bordwell et al. (1997) sees the start of narrative as a point of stable equilibrium, in which the forces of order and disorder are in balance. This aspect of narrative structure is present in Notting Hill as it ends with almost the same equilibrium as the beginning: the chemistry begins
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resolution to the conflict (the press conference scene), ultimately concluding in the neutralisation of the conflict, and a whole new equilibrium, where everything is back to normal (Farmer, 2004). In the context of Notting Hill, in response to William's questions as to whether she will stay in Britain, Anna replied 'indefinitely'. Thus, with her statement, the narrative of the film ended as any Classical Hollywood film would end - with a happy ending (Bordwell et al., 1997)
resolution to the conflict (the press conference scene), ultimately concluding in the neutralisation of the conflict, and a whole new equilibrium, where everything is back to normal (Farmer, 2004). In the context of Notting Hill, in response to William's questions as to whether she will stay in Britain, Anna replied 'indefinitely'. Thus, with her statement, the narrative of the film ended as any Classical Hollywood film would end - with a happy ending (Bordwell et al., 1997)