Holistic care

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
This assignment intends to define holism prior to identifying individualised and holistic care. It will then follow by exploring relevant nursing requirements on individualised and holistic care. Continuing with focusing on how the care is delivered, which will include theories, concepts and principles that explain how individuality, client involvement, autonomy, empowerment, advocacy, evaluation and monitoring are all significant within holistic care. A brief patient history will be offered and the development of the nursing process …

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…The C.V. Mosby Company. McFerran, T. A. (1998). Oxford mini-dictionary for nurses. Oxford, Oxford University press. Roper N., Logan W. and Tierney A. (1996). The Elements of Nursing A model for nursing based on a model of living (4th Edition). London, Churchill Livingstone. UKCC. (1996). Guidelines for Professional Practice. London, UKCC. Varcarolis, E. M, (1990). Foundations of psychiatric mental health nursing. London, W. B. Saunders Company. Ward, M. (1992). The Nursing Process in Psychiatry (2nd Edition). London, Churchill Livingstone.