Holden Caulfield's Characteristics
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Holden Caulfield is a character whose actions speak more than his words. In J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye, Holden is an innocent person who expects the world to be perfect. He knows that there are choices available for every decision he makes, but doesn't have any particular instructions to go with it. He seems to be a very positive person who has just given up trying to make better of him after his
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to be become an adult. He tries to hide under the façade of thinking everyone's a "phoney." He just doesn't want to grow up to be an adult anymore, the wish of being the "catcher in the rye" to catch children from falling, as mentioned in Burns's poetry, justifies the predicament. Finally, as a cheap way out, he runs off to California to start a new life without all the "phoneys."
to be become an adult. He tries to hide under the façade of thinking everyone's a "phoney." He just doesn't want to grow up to be an adult anymore, the wish of being the "catcher in the rye" to catch children from falling, as mentioned in Burns's poetry, justifies the predicament. Finally, as a cheap way out, he runs off to California to start a new life without all the "phoneys."