Hold Me, I'm a Fermata. Research Paper on Music Education and the effects of music upon the brain.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
<Tab/>Music education in the public school system is essential to the successful development of wisdom in young students. Personal and academic knowledge and confidence are greatly influenced by this musical understanding. Although the purely academic courses offered in today's school system challenge the mind to bring more intellect, "for many people, music is a release that is not found in any other class" (Lidh) thus allowing the mind to create …

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…Make You Smarter." Health Day News. 2004. SoutNews LLC. 23 Oct. 2004 <http://www.forbes.com/lifestyle/health/2004/07/15/cx_0715health.html>. "Music and the Brain." American Music Conference. 2004. American Music Conference. 23 Oct. 2004 <http://www.amc music.org/musicmaking/thebrain.htm>. Vail, Jane. "Music Therapy Helps Alzheimer's Patients." Did You Know... 28 Jan. 2005. <Tab/>California Registry. 23 Oct. 2004 <http://www.calregistry.com/dyk/music.htm>.