Hola. chap 20 of The American Pageant AP book. Its all about the civil war

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Essay Database > History > North American History
GIRDING FOR WAR: THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH Abraham Lincoln took office on March 4, 1861. He became president of the disunited states because 7 states had already seceded. THE MENACE OF SECESSION *Lincoln's inaugural address stressed that there would be no conflict unless the S. provoked it. He said that secession was wholly impractical and he was right because the N&S were bound inseparably 2gether. If the S. were to depart would the S. be …

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…in the Border States. Jefferson was less able due to states' righters. *VOLUNTEERS AND DRAFTEES: NORTH AND SOUTH *Congress passed a federal conscription law for the 1st time in 1863 when volunterring slackended off.substitutes could be hired. Draftees who didn't have $$ complained that the gov demanded "300$$ or your life " hence riots in NY by antiblack Irish-Americans *90% of the Union Troops were volunteers. Bounties for enlisemtn were used * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *L * * * * * * * * * * *L *L *L *Ll *L *L *Ll; *