Hockey Culture

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Hockey, traditionally, is an aggressive sport. With body contact as one of its main components in combination with the speed and intensity of the players, aggression and toughness are key elements to an individual being successful in this sport. These are also key elements to violent activity, which is a common occurrence in hockey when viewed by individuals who know little about the game or have little interest in hockey. However, to many hockey fans, …

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…the game as a religion for a long time yet to come. References Barovick, H., et. al. (2002). 78 Years Ago In Time. Time, Vol. 159 Issue 8. p. 23. Etue, E., Williams, M. (1997). On The Edge: Women Making Hockey History. Toronto, Ontario: Second Story Press. Gruneau, R., Whitson, D. (1993). Hockey Night In Canada. Toronto, Ontario: Garamond Press. Kennedy, K., Mravic, M., (2000). Stick-Headed. Sports Illustrated, Vol. 92 Issue 10. p. 25. Tresniowski, A., et. al. (2002). A Moment's Fatal Fury. People, Vol. 57, Issue 3. p. 50.