Hobbit Review

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Hobbit or There and Back Again JRR Tolkien Strengths - The story has a wonderful adventurous plot. The plot is that of an adventurous journey by dwarves and their friend, the hobbit, in search of long lost treasure. The plot is suspenseful as the dwarves and the hobbit encounter several obstacles; spiders that catch them, elves that imprison them and goblins that wish to eat them. They win over some of their adversaries; the …

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…and more courageous and trustworthy that even he ever suspected. - The physical and emotional journeys make for a suspenseful, exciting and colourful plot which I thoroughly enjoyed. Weaknesses - The only weakness I could support would be that the book is not really age appropriate. Although the story is based upon fantasy and magic, the story is complex, he vocabulary is extensive and the plot is elaborate and more suited for an older reader.