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Essay Database > Literature > English
The story begins with Bilbo Baggins a hobbit, enjoying a pipe after breakfast. Bilbo is middle-aged, and resides in a clean warm burrow in the ground and leads a fairly quite and normal life. One morning Gandalf, a mystical wizard stops by to chat with Bilbo. Gandalf tells Bilbo that he is looking for someone to go on an adventure with him. Bilbo is tempted with the idea of going on a adventure, but declines …

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…Five Armies. During the battle Thorin is hurt and killed and Bilbo gets knocked unconscious by falling rocks. The eagles as well as Beorn, in bear form join the fray. The Wargs and goblins were quickly eliminated. Bilbo later returned to his burrow under the hill with a with treasure, a invisible ring and he proved to himself a lot. Bilbo is very glad that he went on this once in a life time journey.