Ho Chi Minh

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Essay Database > History
Ho Chi Minh once said: "You can kill 10 of my men for every one I kill of yours, yet even at those odds, you will lose and I will win." as Ho's brilliant commander, General Vo Nguyen Giap, stated in Hanoi in 1990, his principal concern had been victory. When I asked him how long he would have resisted the U.S. onslaught, he thundered, "Twenty years, maybe 100 years -- as long as it took to …

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…put his embalmed body on display in a hideous granite mausoleum copied from Lenin's tomb in Moscow. They violated his final wishes. In his will he specified that his ashes be buried in urns on three hilltops in Vietnam, saying, "Not only is cremation good from the point of view of hygiene, but it also saves farmland." (This is a very Marxist view on death, as Mark believed that burial was a waist of space)