Ho Chi Mihn

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Essay Database > History
When historians write about the Vietnamese Revolution, they write about its founding father, Ho Chi Min. However, there is some disagreement about Min's character and his accomplishments. On one side, he is a patriotic figure who used Communist doctrine and strategy as a method of freeing his people. On the other side, Min is characterized as a scheming radical who pretended to be well meaning and concerned about his country and its people, but manipulated …

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…world, Ho Chi Min was had inspired millions to the cause of freedom. "Uncle Ho" as the North Vietnamese knew him, was able to preserve his immense popularity and continue to push and inspire his fellow countryman in the pursuit of autonomy. WORKS CITED Sainteny, Jean, Ho Chi Min and his Vietnam: A Personal Memoir, Chicago: Cowles Book Company, 1972. Fall, Bernard, Ho Chi Min on Revolution: Selected Writings, 1920-66, New York: Fredrick A. Praeger Publishers, 1967.