Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practices

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Case Study "Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practices" Nike's strategy of shaving costs caused ethical dilemmas that ultimately damaged its reputation. Nike outsources all of its manufacturing. This approach has provided Nike with huge profits, "from a 1972 level of $60,000 to a startling $49 million in just ten years" (Bartlett, Ghosal, & Birinshaw, 2004). "Production is now globalised, with different countries concentrating on different parts of the process depending on what they are good at, or …

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…Wages and Living Expenses for Nike Workers in Indonesia". (1998). Global Exchange. Retrieved 1/27/2004 from http://www.citinv.it/associazioni/CNMS/archivio/lavoro/ nikewage_Indonesia.html White, M. (1997). Quoted in "Soccer Balls: Inflated with Hot Air?" Campaign for Human Rights. Retrieved 1/27/2004 from www.citinv.it/associazioni/CNMS/archivio/ lavoro/soccerballs.html Williamson, T. (2002). "Who Wants to Be a Cheerleader for a Sweatshop?" Dollar and Sense.com. Retrieved 1/30/2004 from http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m2548/2002_ July-August/90137620/print.jhtml