'Hitler's charismatic personality and policies only partly explain the Nazis' rise to power in 1933.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?

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Essay Database > History > European History
The Nazi rise to power was helped greatly by Hitler's charismatic personality and policies. He had cleverly taken Germany's recent misfortunes and manipulated his policies to make them very appealing to the German public. The failure of the Weimar Democracy, the Treaty of Versailles, Hyperinflation and the Depression provided many opportunities for Hitler to make promises and allowed for him base his policies around these promises. Although Hitler's speeches were captivating to Germans, they would …

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…which they would take interest in, regardless of how charismatic he was. Many people also claim that if you listen to what Hitler said during his rallies and speeches, most of it is not very impressive. Without the propaganda and technology surrounding the Nazi campaign, they would not have gone very far. Although they should not be considered the chief factors in the party's growth, Hitler's appeal and policies were important to the Nazi rise.