Hitler's Final Solution

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Essay Database > History
Hitler's Final Solution In the Second World War, Adolph Hitler, the leader of the Nazi regime, had many problems to deal with. To handle the largest of these problems, he came up with his infamous Final Solution. What was his Final Solution, and which problem was it an attempt to solve? Moreover, how did he carry this solution out? Throughout time, humans have murdered each other in the worst ways imaginable. The most horrifying type …

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…history. By the end of World War Two, about six million Jews were killed by the Nazis in Hitler's attempt to carry out his Final Solution. Works Cited Keegan, John. The Second World War. New York: Viking Penguin Group, 1990. Gilber, Martin. The Holocaust. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1986. "The World Wars." Britannica CD, vers, 2.02. CD-ROM. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 1995 "SS." Britannica CD, vers, 2.02. CD-ROM. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 1995 The History Place. 20 May 1999 <http://www.historyplace.com>