Hitlers Appeal

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The unemployment in Germany from 1928 to 1932 was devastating to the nations economy. Reasons are varied but all are contributing factors. Unemployment soared, it grew 3 1/2 times in just five years. The treaty of Versailles was to blame, as it took away much land, where many natural resources were obtained. Also was the disarmament, which caused much job cuts, as no more weapons were being made. The Jewish were blamed for the bankruptcies and inflation because they …

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…revolution. It symbolized a revulsion against parliamentary politics, parliamentary debate, parliamentary government, all the problems of the political parties and their coalitions, and confusions amongst them. Hitler was one, he was seen as "the man"; he was a natural leader. He didn't support communism, which was a fear of many Germans, he didn't think communism fit their countries needs Bibliography Several research sites on the net, just find one and make a bibliography from there