Hitler Vs Stalin

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Essay Database > History
A villain is known as a scoundrel or a wicked person. These words describe the dictators Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin very precisely. Both men were powerful during their rule, but both also caused immense destruction to their countries. Hitler ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. He turned Germany into a powerful war machine, but also initiated World War II. Whereas, Stalin was a hated man, however, he changed the Soviet Union from an underdeveloped charm, and …

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…abused their power, killed anyone that they feared or did not like, and caused destruction to the rest of the world. This is shown through their rise to power their use of power towards their own citizens and the damages it caused the world. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin will forever be in history, not for being righteous leaders who made their countries proud, but for brining shame and despair during their time of rule.