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Essay Database > History
It has been said that one man cannot change history. Alexander the Great, Christopher Columbus, and Abraham Lincoln, all brought out the best and the worst in men. Throughout time, we have put immense power in the hands of few and now their names live on forever. How does the son of an Austrian factory worker come to European power and become responsible for the deaths of as many as 35 million people? Adolph Hitler was …

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…was destroying German cities. Several attempts were made on Hitler's life during the war, but none were successful. As the war appeared to be certainly lost and his handpicked lieutenants, seeing the needlessness, challenge his orders, he killed himself on April 30, 1945. His long-term mistress and new bride, Eva Braun, joined him in suicide. By that time, one of his main objectives was achieved with the total destruction of two-thirds of its people meaning the Jews. .