History of the United States Marine Corps

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Essay Database > History > North American History
<Tab/>The motto of the United States Marine Corps is "Semper Fidelis", meaning, "Always Faithful". The Marines have lived up to this motto by never having a mutiny in the Marine Corps. Ever. That fact is very impressive, seeing as the Marines are older than the United States of America itself. <Tab/>In 1775, during the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress called for "two battalions of marines be …

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…were responsible for peacekeeping and relief missions in Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia, and Haiti. <Tab/>After the September 11 terrorist attacks, Marine units deployed to Afghanistan and the Arabian Sea to fight the war on terrorism and search for Osama Bin Laden in operation Enduring Freedom. The latest Marine military action is still in progress in Iraq. The dictatorship of Saddam Hussein was successfully overthrown largely due to the United States Marine Corps.