History of the Fire Service

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The History of the Fire Service <Tab/>Did you know that the earliest form of firefighting took place in Rome in 24 B.C? After almost being destroyed by unruly conflagrations, Rome created a fire department consisting of about 7,000 paid firefighters. Their fire crews responded to and fought fires, and also patrolled the streets with the authority to fine anyone who disobeyed the fire prevention codes (Hashgan). The major piece of firefighting …

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…come up with a new idea to fight fires, a few years down the road they would come up with something even better to fight fires. And finally, before writing this paper I felt that fires brought nothing but hardship, death, and destruction. But now it seems as if they happened for a reason, and that reason would be to inform us on ways to make buildings safer, and to prevent fires in the future.