History of the ANG

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Essay Database > History
The Army National Guard predates the founding of the nation and a standing military by almost a century and a half - and is therefore the oldest component of the United States armed forces. America's first permanent militia regiments, among the oldest continuing units in history, were organized by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636. Since that time, the Guard has participated in every U.S. conflict from the Pequot War of 1637 to our current deployments …

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…the National Guard's role in its communities. That role has increased as the Guard, active for years in drug interdiction and eradication efforts, institutes new and innovative community outreach programs. Today, the Guard is active both at home and abroad. During Fiscal Year 1997, the Guard deployed soldiers to more than 70 countries for missions and training while supporting more than 300 emergency call-ups domestically. The trend in expanding mission scope and number continues for the Guard today.