History of homosexuality.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
heterosexual In the 1860s, writer Karl Maria Kertbeny first invented the term heterosexual, and later coined homosexual as its opposite. The term entered the psychiatric lexicon in the 1880s and 1890s thanks to Richard von Krafft-Ebing's adoption of it in Psychopathia Sexualis. One prominent American doctor used the term for patients who would be called bisexual today, and many American laymen continued to use it that way, along with the more euphemistic "ambidextrous," well into …

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…Milk Institute, To place homosexuality in perspective, we first need to distinguish homosexuality from homosexual behavior. Where homosexuality refers to the sexual preference for members of one's own sex, homosexual behavior refers to sexual behavior between people of the same sex, regardless of whether they prefer same-sex partners or not.( Lynne Segal, Washington Square,P.86,1997.) Many male prisoners, for example, prefer to have sex with women, but, since they can't, they engage in homosexual behavior.