History of food in Manhattan

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Essay Database > Literature > English
I stepped off the bus at around 10:45 on the morning of the twenty-second, and I found myself surrounded by countless flashing lights, giant oversized billboards displaying mostly-naked teenagers, and what felt like millions of people. Times Square, New York. My godparents and I walked down a side street and into a diner, which felt smaller than my college room at Millennium Hall. Our mission for the day was simple: eat Manhattan. I was served a …

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…d, working as line cooks in the blistering heat of restaurant kitchens, dedicated young men and women strive to attain, through hard work and determination, what previous generations could not. As the wound of September 11 heals and new plans are being considered for the space, one wonders what role upscale dining might play in the future of New York City.