History of english language.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Ed Bandemer Jacobson M Honors English 2 Research Paper Over the years the English language has changed dramatically. The English language is an original member of the Indo-European family of languages. The Indo-European family of language is very large. This family includes most of the European languages spoken today. It includes the Slavic languages, the Baltic languages of Latvian and Lithuanian, the Celtic languages, Greek, the Germanic languages, the Indo-Iranian languages, including Hindi and Sanskrit Latin, …

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…creation of a distinct American dialect. Some pronunciations and usages stopped when they reached the American shore. In certain respects, American English is closer to the English of Shakespeare than modern British English is. Some "Americanisms" that the British decry are actually originally British expressions that were preserved in the colonies while lost at home. The English language was almost complete, but then the "Oxford English Dictionary" was finally born and then published in 1928 AD.