History of U.S. Presidents

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Essay Database > History
All together, to date, there has been 42 Presidents. There seemed to be three main eras of presidency: forming our country, perfecting the way we run it, and advancing ourselves, globally and nationally. It all began with George Washington. He is considered to be the founding father of our nation by many people. He was born in 1732 in Virginia, and died in 1799. He was 56 years old when elected in 1789. At first, George was reluctant to take …

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…building, and bugged the offices of the Democratic National Committee. Nixon was reportedly behind it, and is said to have paid the individuals to break in. After all was said and done, 25 people were prosecuted and served time for the Watergate-related crimes. Nixon denied involvement constantly. Eventually Nixon had to give tapes to the Supreme Court, and they proved that he had been involved in the cover up. Instead of being impeached, President Nixon resigned.