History of The American City On Suburbs

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
My generation has rarely had a positive view of suburban life. I used to attribute this to the fact that my peers had all grown up within city limits, and not just A city, but 'The City of New York'. It was my assumption that we looked down at suburbs because we had never lived there. Now, here in Chicago, nearly everyone I meet in their 20's lives in or at least used to live …

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…New York: North Point Press, 2000. Pp. xiv 290. Exerts used: The Devil in the Details and The Victims of Sprawl. Hanchett, Thomas W. "The Other Subsidized Housing" -in From Tenements to Taylor Homes. Pennsylvania State University Pr. August, 2000 Sierra Club, "Sprawl Costs us All" www.sierraclub.org/sprawl/report00 Sharpe, William and Leonard Wallock. "Bold New City or Built Up Burb?" in The Making Of Urban America. Ed. Mohl, Raymond A. Scholarly Resources Inc. Washington, DE. 1997