History of Tammany Hall, Jewish Organized Crime and Various Mobsters.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
History of Tammany Hall, Jewish Organized Crime and Various Mobsters N.Y.C. has one of the strongest traditional organized crime groups and in order to understand how organized crime developed in N.Y you must examine The Society of Saint Tammany, also known as Tammany Hall. Tammany Hall was a political organization that began in 1789 as a fraternal and patriotic society and eventually became a political organization in N.Y , which is also known …

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…group was made up of Jewish and Italian thugs that worked together and took orders from Albert Anastasia. The murders were carefully planned and they even had rehearsals. They would carefully plan out their getaway routes and often had a crash car behind them. They were hired by all crime leaders from around the country. This lasted for about 10 years until one of the groups members became a gov't witness and testified against the gang.