History of Stanardized Testing

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Essay Database > Literature > English
American egos were stunned when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik in 1957. How could the US have fallen second in the race for space? Americans looked for answers and found one in the failure of the schools in educating children to their full potential. This started the education pendulum to swing. The initial swing carried it to the revision of science and math programs. It pushed schools into greater science/math requirements. The arts and …

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…if a test is reliable, it should be meaningful. Validity refers to the test taking. The test manufacturer instructions are followed: directions, class conditions, and test times allotted are basically the same as the initial test group sample. The test is actually measuring what students are learning. Test publishing companies are very concerned about reliability and validity. They carefully monitor the reliability of standardized tests. Validity is a factor that is more difficult to control.