History of Isla Vist, California.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Isla Vista is a one-square-mile plot of land adjacent to the University of California, Santa Barbara and is home to more than 18,000 residents. While the majority of residents in Isla Vista are UCSB and Santa Barbara City College students, the neighborhood is also home to a large immigrant population. The area is so densely populated that many residents lay claim to fame that we're "the most densely populated square mile West of the Mississippi." Many …

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…soon as students felt more secure. Throughout the eighties and nineties, UCSB's academic reputation grew, as did Isla Vista's reputation for being a party school. Raging parties, exorbitant alcohol consumption, and out of control students marked Isla Vista as the ultimate party town. In recent years however, the University administration has finally begun to acknowledge its obligation and connection to Isla Vista as well as its desire to see the image of Isla Vista improve.