History of Halloween

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Halloween costumes, we celebrate each October 31st, began long ago. They come from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celtic people lived about 2000 years ago in an area which we now call Ireland, the United Kingdom and France. The festival of Samhain marked the end of summer, the harvest season and the beginning of their new year. The Celtic people believed that on the night of the October 31st, the ghosts of the …

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…of "All Saints Day". On this day the poor would beg for food and would be given "Soul Cakes" to pray for the souls of the relatives of rich people. <Tab/>Halloween in America is celebrated on October 31st. The celebrations are held in towns, schools, churches and homes. Most children still dress in costumes and continue to trick or treat in safe neighborhoods or attend festivals at churches in schools.