History of Gangs

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
History of Gangs Originally there was no negative meaning tied to the word gang. In the Old English language referred to a group of people that hung out together. In this modern day when we think of gangs we think of bloods, crypts, violence and drugs. Gangs are a form of organized crime. At the top of the gang is a leader who takes part in installing pride, organization, and togetherness throughout the gang members. …

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…been difficult to diminish gangs that have already been established. The best way to slowly, but more efficiently get rid of gangs is by starting to educate the youth, and to involve them in programs that will keep them off the streets. It took many years for gangs to reach the level of sophistication they have reached today. It is going to take a while to solve this problem there is no quick fix solution.