History and Development of Common Law

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Essay Database > History
Unconsciously we follow the law everyday. Socially and morally it has become a custom to follow and obey the law, although of course we know there are those who deviate outside the rules and break the law. Breaking the law is morally unacceptable and is frowned upon in today's society. Since the 12th century, common law has molded society as well as legal systems all over the world. The Common Law was a system that …

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…of jurisprudence founded on principals of justice ( Common Law). The system of common law brought a great sense of morality and justice with it when it was arrived from England. Since this was a system not originated in our own country it became a universal way of ruling by law. The common law system has shaped and molded the way many people live and it became a universal foundation for law in the 21st century.