History Singapore

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Essay Database > History
Introduction Since its inception, the Republic of Singapore has combined the fastest growth with the lowest inflation of any industrial economy. This feat was accomplished with a strict set of economic goals including a conservative monetary and fiscal policy, free trade, and a commitment to stable prices (Wood, 25). This evaluation of Singapore's economy will look at the history and forces behind their success. Setting Singapore has approximately the area and population of the city of …

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…S. J.Chen (ed) Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1983 Buchanan, Iain. Singapore in Southeast Asia. London: G Bell and Sons, LTD, 1972. Deyo, Frederic C. The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism. London: Cornell University Press, 1987. Gregory, Paul R. Comparative Economic Systems. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1995. Wood, John H. "Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Singapore." Economic Review Second Quarter 1992: 25-36. Woronoff, Jon. Asia's "Miracle" Economies. New York: M.E. Sharpe, INC, 1986.