History Of Trinidian Music

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Each and every country has its own style of music, while some even have more than one. Trinidad is one of those that have multiple musical styles associated with it. They include Calypso, Chuntey, Soca, and Parang. Some of them vary in many factors, while others have some similarities. Calypso was invented in Trinidad, and can be traced back from arrival of the first African slaves brought to work in the sugar plantations. Many of …

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…and those are the ones with special dances, with special clothing as well. In conclusion, above are the four main musical styles on Trinidad & Tobago. These genre's have not only become popular around the world and spread to other countries, but have had influenced and inspired many other styles, such as reggae, dancehall and rapso, which has been described as a mix of native Soca and American hip-hop, but is unique to Trinidad.