History Day Project: The social impact of Rock and Roll Music

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Essay Database > History > North American History
History Day Project: Explore, Encounter, Exchange: The History of Rock and Roll Music By: Jilly Smith This year's theme is Explore, Encounter, and Exchange. I am not presenting a story of a particular person or event, but rather an explanation of how and why Rock music has gained an important place in history. Rock and Roll has affected society by bringing a new attitude to past generations; encouraging defiance and independence. The history of rock …

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…wat you think and feel, and is a constantly changing thing. I chose to do this project on rock music in particular because it is one of my favorite genres. It has also always fascinated me by its image, culture, and style. I hope by reading this essay, you have become more enlightened. Party hard, and rock on. As in the words of Kiss: I wanna rock and roll all night, and part every day!