History Assignment- How did problems in Germany make people support Hitler in 1923?

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Essay Database > History > European History
History Assignment- How did problems in Germany make people support Hitler in 1923? Adolf Hitler was the 55th member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (a.k.a Nazi) when he joined in 1920, but his membership certificate wrote "member no. 555" just to make the party appear larger, the party never obtained any seats in the Reichstag from 1919 to 1920. After Hitler's advent, the member quantity of the Nazis increased in an astonishing velocity and reached to …

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…in his speeches and interviews, "Clear away the Jews! Our own people has genius enough - we need no Hebrews", but the actual Jewish population in Germany at that time was only 1% of the 60 million people, and that was the reason for this factor to be less significant. Hitler finally succeeded his ambition in 1933, but the conquer of the Reichstag was just the first step, his path of frantic conquer was still long and wide...