History 3

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Essay Database > History
Ancient Greece There were many sports in Greece such as foot racing, chariot racing, boxing, horse racing, racing, wrestling, javelin & discus, and the long jump. There were three different types of foot racing. The first was the long race or as they called it, a Dolichos. The runners would have to run two laps around a stadium. The second race was a stade race, which was a sprint six hundred foot sprint down the stadium. …

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…have better saddles. They soon realized the saddle would give them more security while galloping on the horse. Hunting was the ultimate for the Egyptians. The powerful kings would hunt and proudly record their success by bagging the amount of wild animals. They are still preserved on cuneiform tablets and in hieroglyphics inscriptions. The Egyptians also learned to train animals to chase down their quarry, and the Egyptians even used a lion to help them.