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Essay Database > History
Between 1870 and 1920, European imperialism accelerated due to economic, political, and social forces. The Indutrial Revolution stirred the ambitions of European nations, and with the advances in technology, these nations were able to spread thier control over the less-developed areas in the world. This empire-building frenzy has been studied by historians who offer a variety of perspectives on its causes.<Tab/> <Tab/>One cause of the New Imperialism …

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…that Imperialism was the natural effect of the idea of 'survival of the fittest.' This is best represented by Rudyard Kipling in the book 'White Man's Burden,'(doc 6) . This famous poem, written by Britain's imperial poet, was a response to the American take over of the Phillipines after the Spanish-American War. Rudyard Kipling is often ignored today, because his exultation in the supposed moral and cultural superiority of European (and specifically British) civilization