Historical Foundation of Psychology.

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Historical Foundation of Psychology Functional vs. Structural Psychology Although the philosophic underpinnings of modern psychology are important, and surely are necessary for a complete understanding of the development of the academic discourse in psychology, I will not undertake to elucidate the distant ancestors of our field. I must justify this position. I certainly believe that the Greek and later philosophers set patterns such as Socratic methodology, and the belief that the world is an entity …

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…historical significance, Genetic Psychology Monographs, 68, 387-423. Madden, E. H. (1974) Chauncey Wright's Functionalism, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 10(3), 281-290. Peirce, C.S., (1887). Logical machines, American Journal of Psychology, 1, 165-170. Additional resources: Brennan, J. F. (1998) History and Systems of Psychology (5th Edition), Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Hunt, M. (1993). The Story of Psychology. Doubleday, New York, New York Robinson, D. N. (1997). The Great Idea of Psychology (Part 1). (audio tape). The Teaching Company.