Hispanic Empowerment

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Essay Database > Literature > English
As our nation changes its path and its views towards society, we hear more about minority issues and their relationship to today's problems within society. A group that is often brought up regarding social problems is the Hispanic race. For most Americans, the labeling of Hispanics as a minority group implies the birth a group of newcomers, recently arriving in this country, and bringing with them their cultural flavor and conflicts. In fact, the Hispanic …

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…C3. Hernandez, N., Neighbor, H. & Villarreal, R. ( 1988) Latino empowerment. Connecticut: Greenwood Press. Hernandez, N. & Villarreal, R. (1991) Latinos and political coalitions: political empowerment for the 1990s. New York: Praeger Paperback. Latino education empowerment resource. Left side. Retrieved 11-17-00: http://www2.uic.edu/stud_orgs/prof/leer/left.htm Making of the political pocho. Latino Vote. Retrieved 11-27-00: http://www.latinovote.com/PoliticalPocho Olmo, F. (1998) The 2001 Challenge for California Latinos. Los angeles times. Pg C5.