"Hiroshima" By John Hersey.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Hiroshima John Hersey Copyright 1946 Non-fiction At 8:15 in the morning of August 6, 1945 the atomic bomb named "little boy" was dropped upon the Japanese city of Hiroshima by the Boeing B-29 bomber known as the Enola Gay. This event was a means to quickly end the war without having to initiate a ground invasion of the country, which surely would have cause a greater loss of life. The arguments of whether this act was necessary continue to …

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…the survivors remarks that they understood why they were bombed. They didn't blame the United States for the actions they took, understanding they wanted to reduce casualties among their own soldiers. The man went on to say that Japan wanted total war, and received it. Not only did this book further my understanding of World War II, it also helped me learn more about a culture, and still even more-so about human nature in general.