Hinduism as a religion

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Hinduism is the name given to one of the most ancient religion practices in India. Vedanta is the true name of this religion. When British rule began to populate India this ancient religion evolved into what is known today as Hinduism. Hinduism constitutes an extremely intricate religion upon which a single definition cannot be composed. The premier feature of this religion is the huge difference of beliefs and rituals among its practitioners. Hinduism was created …

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…this journey, established by a train route, consistently follows the pattern of sacred sites recognized by the major sects of Vishnu and Shiva around India. The all India pilgrimage takes about ten weeks to complete depending on the amount of time spent at each place. In its true essence Hinduism can be described best by the verse Ekam Sadvipra Bahudha Vadanti (written in sanskrit, the holy language of the Aryans-Hindus), which means truth is one.