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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
A Religion of Tolerance Hinduism is unique in many ways. One of the most endearing aspects of Hinduism is it's religious tolerance. One devotee may worship Vishnu, another may worship Shiva, and yet another Krishna, while honoring the other's choice and feeling no sense of conflict. Hinduism is a religion of tolerance that allows for different types of worship, and personal expressions of devotion. This extends beyond the religion itself to include other cultures. A …

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…ium-sized community of South Asians located in South Jersey. Our project focused on immigrants who came to the US post 1960 (see Contextualizing this study ), and their children between the ages of 17 and 25. What follows are the results of our project. We are placing an in-depth discussion of our results online , as well as two very interesting family case studies. The complete store of information we compiled during this study is available from the Data Center .