"Hillside Strangler: A Murderer's Mind", written by Ted Schwarz.

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The "Hillside Strangler: A Murderer's Mind", written by Ted Schwarz, is a true crime book based on the heinous and sadistic murders of ten women in Los Angeles, California between the fall and winter of 1977-78 and an additional two murders of women in Bellingham, Washington in January, 1979. In the end, one man stood accused of taking the lives of twelve women; that person being none other than Ken Bianchi. However, as the events unfolded, …

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…was actually faking hypnosis. There is sufficient evidence to support all three opinions, specifically the latter two despite the author's biased presentation of the facts. In the end, the latter two opinions were supported when the judge ruled that Bianchi did not suffer from MPD. The silver lining in all of this is that two mass murderers are off the street for good. References Schwartz, T. (1988). The Hillside Strangler: A Murderer's Mind. Poughkeepsie, NY: Vivisphere.