Hills Like White elephant

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hills Like White Elephants In the short story "Hills Like White Elephants" written by Ernest Hemingway, the two main characters find themselves in a moral dilemma. The girl is pregnant by her lover the American. The American, who is not named by the author, wants the girl to have an abortion but she is not convinced. The dualistic nature used throughout the story by Hemingway is evident not only in the main characters' dialogue, but …

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…Regarding the hill, she comments "They're lovely hills"(Pg.401). As she looks out beyond the Ebro River, she comments, "And we could have all this". The girl realizes what is really valuable in her life and does not allow her lover to convince her otherwise. The setting and dialogue in Hemingway's short story is rich with symbolism. He skillfully uses the main characters' dilemma to bring out two totally different natures found in the story.