Hills Like White Elephants

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In any story involving human interaction there is usually dialouge.In a short story however , dialogue can take on even more significance- it can reveal the story's main message or true theme intent. In Ernest Hemingway's " Hills Like white Elephants" dialogue makes up ninety percent of the story.The conversation between two characters- the man and the girl- contains not only their feelings or attitudes, it introduces the subject, the source of the conflict. " It's …

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…sees the foetus. The other meaning is a white elephant stall where things are discarded or given away. Not even worth money. Junk that people give to the stall and that other people see and might take. This is what the foetus is to the man unwanted junk that must be discarded. Symbolism and dialogue are major contributors to the short story "Hills Like White Elephants" and is what makes the story a memorable one