High Stakes Testing
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Pages: 2
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Throughout the 1990s, national state a local educational leaders have focused on raising educational standards and promoting accountability within the educational community. In fact, the promotion of challenging learning standards for all students -coupled with assessment systems that monitor progress and establish challenging expectation for students.
The numbers of states using tests as a condition for high school graduation is on the rise with 26 states projected to use tests as
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high ( schools receive as much as $1,500 per teacher). Governor Hunt attributed to data showing a rise in test scores for the 1997-1998 school year: the results show us that North Carolinas school are working, our schools are working like never before to put children and their education first . President Bush favors high stakes testing as a method of ending social promotion. Former vice president Gore supports testing as away of measuring what students have learned.
high ( schools receive as much as $1,500 per teacher). Governor Hunt attributed to data showing a rise in test scores for the 1997-1998 school year: the results show us that North Carolinas school are working, our schools are working like never before to put children and their education first . President Bush favors high stakes testing as a method of ending social promotion. Former vice president Gore supports testing as away of measuring what students have learned.