Hierarchy of Needs

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
<Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Harold Maslow was born April 1, 1908, in Brooklyn New York. He was the first of seven children and his parents were Jewish immigrants from Russia. As a child Maslow was very lonely and found refuge in reading books. His parents pushed him to succeed in life, so he first attended the City College of New York where …

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…to reach the company goals, thus giving the employee self-esteem. Freedom on the job to make decisions, to be creative, and to be independent will lead to self-actualization. Understanding Maslow's hierarchy of needs and what each individual need is, managers can put a useful tool into use for motivation. With all of these needs meet employees are usually satisfied with their job, thus making a company more efficient and effective, which in turn increases profitability.